What is Photography salon? I hope this word “Salon” create little confusion to all the photographers worldwide. But it sounds good, different and creative word to me. When I came to know about this word that really attracts me then immediately I thought of writing something informative about this word.
“Long time back (17th Centuries) in France, Where the organized official exhibition was called SALON” The word derived originally from France”. In our simple language, it is also known as EXHIBITION PLACES where anybody can exhibit their photographs in exhibition places, they were called PHOTOGRAPHY SALON at that time.
As every exhibition or salon required a few important terms and condition to follow, On the basis these requirements, the judges’ approve photographer’s work or photographs that may be published at the exhibition salon. Every photographer has to follow the prescribed criteria to take part in the exhibition or photography salon
Can a photograph clicked by mobile phone be submitted to a photography salon?
As per my knowledge, It purely depends upon the terms and condition of that particular exhibition committee or judges. Some exhibition does not accept the mobile photographs, maybe mobile capture good photos but cannot compete with high definition camera which produce great, stunning photographs. When you compare both the results of mobile and DSLRs, then actually you can come to know the actual quality photography. I am not biased but you can shoot by both mediums and compare the results. Quality itself will reveal.
But once again, It purely depends upon the exhibition committee who finalize all the terms and conditions for entry. They might not and they might allow mobile photographers to submit their photographs for entry. There is no hard and fast rule I have ever heard that Mobile photographs cannot be published in any organization.
There are all type and size of exhibitions always happens in a different part of the country. they all have a different focus to exhibit the photographs. The exhibition held for different topics like Save environment, Save tigers, Child labour, Black and White and other end numbers of interesting topics where interested photographers may submit their photographs as per the exhibition requirement and their term and condition.
Conclusion- Every photographer must participate in the photography exhibitions, not only for the winning purpose but for the honest feedback from the visitors, viewers, critics, pro-photographers, the general public etc. This feedback helps you to grow as a better photographer. This feedback helps you to understand visible mistakes in the photographs. The exhibition is sort of getting feedback, awareness, marketing etc. All the photographer reciprocate the ideas behind the photographs and discuss what could be the best at that time. A lot of different experiences shared & discussed at that time. Also, you generate good contact for the learning and for the earning both.
Whenever you have a chance to submit your photographs for an exhibition, you should always grab the opportunity for better photography skills and career.
Keep experimenting and Have wonderful & Happy photography life to you all.
Photographer & Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam (www.prasenjeetgautam.com). The above photograph was captured during my exhibition (New Delhi 2018, INDIA) One of the hobbyist photographers were discussing with me that he faces the problem while capturing the travel photographs. Lots of interaction happens during the exhibition period.