In the realm of photography, beginners often adhere closely to the lessons they are taught, following standardized instructions, tips, and tricks. This adherence can lead to a uniformity of style and perspective, limiting the breadth of creative expression. However, as a seasoned professional with nearly 15 years of experience, I've come to understand the profound impact of shooting differently. Shooting Differently is always a SPACIAL untold story
Diversity breeds innovation, and I firmly believe that embracing the unique aspects of each subject and scene is paramount to capturing truly extraordinary images. While conventional techniques have their place, it is the willingness to break free from the norm that sets one apart in the world of photography.
For me, the journey towards shooting differently began with a shift in mindset. I realized that conformity stifled creativity and inhibited my ability to see the world through fresh & innovative eyes. By challenging conventional wisdom and venturing into uncharted territory, I discovered new perspectives, textures, and narratives waiting to be unearthed.
Shooting differently isn't about rejecting established principles; rather, it's about pushing boundaries, experimenting with new techniques, and cultivating a deep sense of curiosity. It's about finding beauty in the unconventional, the unexpected, and the overlooked.
In my experience, some of the most memorable photographs have emerged from moments of spontaneity and intuition. By relinquishing control and allowing myself to be guided by instinct, I've captured images that resonate deeply with viewers, evoking emotions and sparking conversations.
Ultimately, the pursuit of difference is a journey of self-discovery—one that requires courage, openness, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. It is through our willingness to explore the unknown and challenge the status quo that we unlock the true potential of our craft.
As photographers, let us celebrate the diversity of the world around us and honor the inherent beauty of individuality. Let us dare to be different, for it is in our uniqueness that we find our greatest strength.
As we conclude our exploration of the power of shooting differently in photography, I encourage you to embark on a journey of experimentation and innovation. Challenge yourself to approach familiar subjects with fresh eyes and open minds.
Try an exercise: Take the same subject and photograph it twice—once with the knowledge and techniques you're familiar with, and once with a completely new perspective. Allow yourself to explore uncharted territory, to see beyond the surface and uncover hidden narratives waiting to be told.
In doing so, you may discover that the most captivating images emerge when we dare to push the boundaries of convention and embrace the unknown. By infusing our photographs with diverse perspectives and storytelling approaches, we invite viewers to engage with our work on a deeper level, fostering connection and understanding.
Remember, the beauty of photography lies not only in the images we capture but also in the stories we share and the emotions we evoke. So, let us continue to celebrate the richness of difference, to embrace the magic of creativity, and to honor the boundless potential of the human imagination.
Together, let us redefine the art of photography and inspire one another to see the world through new eyes. For in our collective pursuit of innovation and authenticity, we discover the true essence of what it means to be a photographer.
Let us continue to shoot differently, for it is in our diversity that we find our greatest strength and our most profound beauty.
Keep experimenting! May your photographic journey be filled with endless discoveries and captivating narratives. If you're curious to explore more captivating images and the stories behind them,
Please feel free to visit Photographer & Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam's portfolio at
Happy shooting!